Friday, January 13, 2012

Rosie's Light

This is something I have been meaning to write for a while but I also wanted to wait a little while because when the loved one passes everyone comes in droves to support the living. I have also had the experience of knowing that after a month or so the visits become less and the phone rings less often. This is my way of sharing with Rosie's husband how her light affected me. I just hope he likes it. Blessings my friend.

Rosie's Light

By Michael F. Anderson


I lost a good friend today while on my appointed rounds

I didn't know her well but she was a bright light in an otherwise dim day.

Delivering mail allows one to see people in all light

and dark.

But the highlight of my day came when Rosie would come to the door.

Struggling as always with the lock on the door but I always knew she would have that smile.

That smile of a million candlepower coming right from her inner soul

the smile that let you know that told you without words you have just made her day.

A smile that came from a joy unspeakable, not happiness, but pure joy

That let me know she was a believer in the one that blesses us with that light that we never get to keep.

That light that we get to give away.

The light that lets others know that we are different in a way that

arouses a curiosity about us.

Rosie was indeed walking with God and her spirit shone like a beacon when we spoke.

Nothing deep, nothing really profound, just a comfortable exchange that friends engage in amidst the dullness that is our life.

But Rosie left me feeling hungry for more, more of the non-verbal touch, more friendship

more life!

The angels met her at the gates I am sure the day she left this world and she took the light with her, to give away once more on a different plane of existence that I long for one day.

I will see her again to be sure,

she will be the one over there

with the light.

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